At The Heart of Yoga with Julie Smerdon
Julie Smerdon has spent more than two decades on the front lines of the yoga world, earning a reputation as a world-class educator and community builder. After years of working with some of the world's most inspiring teachers, creative thinkers, and heroic students, Julie brings these incredible humans to the table for an intimate look at their thoughts about life, about yoga, and about what lies at the heart of it all.
At The Heart of Yoga with Julie Smerdon
James Matthew Brown | The Journey to Connection
James is a new friend and a mentor to me, and I’m really thrilled to bring you this conversation. He’s had a fascinating journey, from taking his first class to ‘impress’ someone, to unexpectedly finding a profound sense of connection and purpose which lead him on a path of self-discovery and ultimately, becoming a teacher. We talk about James' early teaching experiences, including working with influential figures such as Tipper Gore and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, to his close relationship with the late Maty Ezraty. James has so much wisdom to share… Enjoy!
Find James:
Instagram: @jamesbrownlive
Facebook: James Matthew Brown